Ethical Business Policy

From the outset all our relationships, work and contacts with clients, colleagues and suppliers are underpinned by a core belief that acting honourably and with integrity in all our interactions will help everyone involved to feel respected, listened to and valued, and ultimately to benefit the work that we all do.

We are fully committed to the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct in all our business dealings. Our policy is of zero tolerance for any form of bribery, fraud, dishonesty, money-laundering and anything which may be considered illegal or unethical activity.

All of our colleagues are responsible for following this policy in representing our company in a positive, ethical manner, and to report any potential breaches of this policy. We further require that all sub- contractors or suppliers to our projects uphold the same zero-tolerance policy towards unethical activity or behaviour that we do.


Treating clients, colleagues and others we work with in an honest and fair manner. Supporting them to act with integrity in all our work and collaborations, ensuring we all build trusted, valued and respected professional relationships.

Identifying, celebrating and sharing examples of best practice with colleagues, and sharing guidance where required for questions of ethical conduct to enable our colleagues to model consistently high standards of ethical conduct and practice.

We will

Monitor procedures to ensure that no unethical conduct or illegal practices occur.

Require that all our business dealings respect the importance of confidentiality and privacy wherever appropriate, with appropriate security measures to fulfil this commitment.

Not give or accept any payment or any other kind of benefit or perk with any expectation of business advantage.

Not engage in any practices which may in any way be considered unfair competition.

Listen to any colleague with legitimate concerns as to any unethical behaviour being detected (provided this is made in good faith), and supporting them in challenging that behaviour in an appropriate and timely manner.

Take strong and timely action against anyone who has been proven to have acted in breach of this policy. Engage with industry initiatives promoting business standards and integrity.

Require that all who we work with – colleagues, clients, suppliers and others – share the same positive commitment to upholding all areas of ethical business standards and practices, and to report any potential breaches as soon as possible.

Regularly evaluate our performance in support of these policy aims. Where issues to these aims are identified, to work towards removing them and moving forward.

Oversight / guidance

This policy is created by the Senior Team at Placemaking London and implemented across all operations through rules, procedures and guidance.

It will be reviewed annually, or more frequently should this prove helpful/necessary.

The Founder and Business Manager act in ensuring that plans are developed and implemented to enable us to reach the aims set out in this policy while fulfilling applicable legal, regulatory and other requirements.

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