Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Placemaking London believes that equality, diversity and inclusion benefits everyone, as well as the work we do. We support a positive culture of respect, understanding and fairness, where talent, creativity and performance are celebrated unconditionally. We know that an inclusive, diverse workforce makes us stronger, more informed and more understanding, and it only from this understanding that our teams can feel free to express their skills and creativity to their fullest. When our teams produce their best work in a positive climate of equality, diversity and inclusion, then everyone benefits – teams, our clients and the work we produce.


Treating everyone we come into contact with as we ourselves would wish to be treated – fairly, respectfully and decently.

Working constructively and fairly with clients and colleagues, providing opportunities according to talent and rewarding performance based on merit.

Creatively understanding that diversity of experience can bring rich ranges of solutions from which to bring the best solutions to our clients.

Appreciating that every colleague’s experience can bring a new perspective which can benefit the work we do, and that every voice will be heard.

We will

Work to attract talent from a wide variety of backgrounds, experiences and cultures.

Encourage our colleagues’ fullest and widest understanding of the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion, supplying training where it is requested or identified to be appropriate.

Make full inclusion and equality of opportunity a reality for all our colleagues.

Allocate resources to help improve and develop our colleagues through education and experience.

Ensure rates of pay are fair, competitive and proportionate, according to the roles and responsibilities as well as reflecting individual performance.

Take action to deal with any inappropriate behaviour, action or discrimination.

Ensuring that all who we work with – colleagues, clients, suppliers and others – share the same positive commitment to upholding all areas of equality, diversity and inclusion standards.

Regularly evaluate our performance in support of these policy aims. Where issues to these aims are identified, to work towards removing them and moving forward.

Governance and Oversight

This policy is created by the Senior Team at Placemaking London and implemented across all operations through rules, procedures and guidance.

It will be reviewed annually, or more frequently should this prove helpful/necessary.

The Founder and Business Manager act in ensuring that plans are developed and implemented to enable us to reach the aims set out in this policy while fulfilling applicable legal, regulatory and other requirements.

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